A Windows program compatible with windows XP/7/8/10/11. This is a stand alone program and needs no libraries etc, and gives computer control of many ICOM radio's including :-
My program will work with many ICOM transceivers including :- IC703,705,706,706MK2,706MK2G,718,728,735,737,738,746,746PRO
751A,756PRO,756PRO2,756PRO3,765,775,781,821,7000,7100,7200 7300,7400,7410,7600,7610,7700,7800,7851,9100 and most commands will also work with the 9700.
Features :-
- Version 3 includes a virtual radio to allow programs like AC Log to run at the same time as IC Talk.
- 100 Memory Channels in 10 banks of 10, including 10 quick memories.
- Everything is voiced and there is full documentation included in the package.
- Voice the mode/frequency at any time with the F Key and the S meter reading with the S key.
a file memory.txt is created listing the contents of all 100 memory locations in a simple readable form.
- Frequency mode (F key) control the frequency with the tuning knob on the radio or the cursor keys.
- Band change mode (B Key) change bands using the cursor keys or select a band with the numeric keys.
- Enter frequency mode (E Key)using the numeric keys
- Change Mode with the M key
- Zero (Z Key) an SSB to get exactly on frequency.
- Power Mode (P Key) change the power setting with the cursor keys.
- Bandwidth mode (W Key) change the IF bandwidth with the cursor keys.
- AF Gain mode (A Key) change the volume with the cursor keys.
- RF Gain mode (R Key) change the RF gain with the cursor keys.
- VFO B Split frequency mode for SSB/CW (V Key) for working DX and Expedition stations in Split mode
-Split mode also works for Repeaters in FM (V Key) for working repeaters.
- TX/RX switching with the space bar and maximum SWR monitoring.
- Insert CTCSS/DCS code (I Key) for repeater access
- Tune mode (T Key) for Antenna Tuning/Matching SWR reading with the S Key.
- Channel Save (C Key) save mode/frequency/ctcss etc. to one of 100 memory channels
-Go to Channel (G Key) recall the saved channel information
- Step up through the memory channels in a bank with the U Key.
- Switch Preamp/Attenuator/Noise Blanker/Noise Reduction/Notch and Speech compressor on and off with the function keys.
- Level mode (L Key) adjust the NB/NR level with the cursor keys.
- Ajust mic gain using the ALC readings from the radio
- Keying speed (K Key) then adjust the speed with the up and down cursor keys.
- Using the numeric keypad as well as the top row of numeric keys for number entry.
- Options voicing with O
- Extended command mode with X
- Help file voicing with the H Key.
- Quit with the Q Key to close the program and create the memory.txt file.